Lotus Europa S1 Apparel and Accessories by Legend Lines
Built from 1966 through 1975, the Lotus Europa was an incredibly sleek car with a drag coefficient that would make some today’s cars envious. The overall design of the Lotus Europa is certainly revolutionary and Lotus knew it had a winning design and a great sport that was capable of achieved a top speed of 121 mph (195 km/h), and did 0–60 mph in 9.3 seconds. The S1 or series 1 was produced from 1966 to beginning of 1968.
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Lotus Europa S1 Reserved Parking Fridge Magnet
From $13.00 - $18.00
Lotus Europa S1 Reserved Parking Only Sign
From $45.00 - $68.00
Lotus Europa S1 T-Shirt - Long Sleeves - Side View
From $49.00 - $60.00